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Community Outreach

About the community we serve

AIAT is situated in the most backward area of Tamil Nadu in Vanur Thesil of the Villupuram District.

1. Social profile of the region (source: Villupuram at Glance)

  • 37% of the total population in this region are Dalits; the remainder are OBC. The literacy rate is 66%. Low income: the per capita income in the region is Rs. 53,504/- per year while in 2017 the average in Tamil Nadu was Rs. 166,934/-. 
  • The main source of income is casual work, retail shops, 49% agricultural labour, while small and marginal farmers are in large numbers.
  • High drop-out rate
  • 36% of the population live below the poverty level.
  • Industrial activities are confined to micro- and small-scale industry, mostly sugar and rice mills.
  • A recent survey (made by Auroville) found that 73% of the graduates in the Auroville region were unemployed even after 1 or 2 years.

2. Social issues in the region

  • Alcoholism is one of the biggest problems in the region, leading to situations where only the mother is responsible for family income and care. 
  • To pay the Institute’s fee many students work over the weekend or depend upon availability of a stipend for training.
  • Most of the trainees joining an ITI course are weak in English, communication skills and mathematics. Not motivated to learn; most performed poorly at the high school level. These trainees need to be cared for, guided on many levels i.e. discipline, communication skills, behavior, etc. in order to succeed professionally.

3. What we do for the youth of the region

  • AIAT staff visit schools in Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu conducting career guidance classes for 10th to 12th standard students in order to create awareness on skill training, industrial demand, job opportunities and employability.
  • The training is holistic in approach: values, industrial demand and employability (including communication skills, behavior, etc.) are covered.
  • Stipends are offered for trainees in collaboration with our partner companies under the Dual System of Training; in 2019 approximately 160 students will benefit. The trainees of regular courses have opportunities to earn some pocket money during the in-plant training period.
  • We show the students with our “I can” program how to proceed in a goal-oriented manner.
  • We help parents with problems that may arise.

4. Our values are

(see also About AIAT and Mission, Values & Vision)

Our education is value oriented; we live these values at AIAT:


Self esteem, worthiness, honor

Human unity:

Equality, respect for all regardless of religion, caste, gender, age, race and position


Honesty and transparency, uprightness of character and actions: incorruptible


Value based, personal development oriented and not for profit