
Electric & Electronics Technology (EEE)

Electric & Electronics Technology (EEE)

The Climate is changing! The current Heatwave in north and west India is a just a beginning. As a developing country  India’s need for energy (Electricity, fuel, gas etc.) is growing fast. To reduce carbon print, the conventional energy generation sources such as coal and oil must be substituted by Green Energy such as solar, wind, hydropower, Biogas, Hydrogen etc.

This program is designed to address the fundamentals of renewable energy and shows how solar, wind and other energy sources can efficiently be integrated into power supply systems. Students will study core power generation and supply engineering systems such as power converters, inverters, chargers, Power storage systems, electric drives, etc.

You will also study a unique range of modules on the generation of electricity from solar and wind power, energy management through the applications of power electronics, and a comprehensive analysis of smart grid systems.


   Jorge Ayarza B.E. (USA), Master Green Energy Trainer, research
   scholar Green Energy and upcycling at Auroville.


 Supporting Staff:

   S. Manikandan - Senior Instructor

   Industry Partner:

   Sunlit Future Auroville (Rishi Kapoor MD)

Jorge Ayarza

Contact us at:


      Telephone: 89031 66923

Course Objectives

After successfully completing the vocational course, the student would have acquired relevant appropriate and adequate technical knowledge together with the professional skills and competencies in the field of Green Energy so that he/she is properly equipped to take up gainful employment in this Vocation. Thus he/she should have acquired:


Understanding of

  1. The relevant basic concepts and principles in basic science subjects (Physics and Mathematics) so that he/she is able to understand the different vocational subjects.
  2. The basic concepts in engineering drawing using AUTOCAD.
  3. Understanding various rules and regulations in electrical and green energy.
  4. The concepts, and principles of working with different electrical & energy measuring tools.
  5. Importance of Renewable energy systems.
  6. The knowledge of Green Energy & Electrical systems.
  7. The concepts and principles used in Renewable energy systems.


Adequate Professional Skills and Competencies in

  1. Have adequate knowledge and skills to prep them ready for the job in this field.
  2. Be capable to understand the positive aspects of Renewable Energy Technology concerning the environment.
  3. Handle the installation and commissioning of solar projects in rural and urban areas.
  4. Be capable to create direct and indirect employment opportunities in rural and backward areas.


A Healthy and Professional Attitude so that He/ She has

  1. An analytical approach while working on a job.
  2. An open mind while locating/rectifying faults.
  3. Respect for working with his/her own hands.
  4. Respect for honesty, punctuality, and truthfulness


NSQF compliant skills in Qualification developed by sector skill council in Capital Goods Sector.

Admission going on

Our high quality skill education has enabled hundreds of youth a better livelihood and the opportunity to live in dignity. Only limited seats available, apply to us. Eligibility: +12 pass | Course Duration: 3 Years | Degree: Bachelor of Vocational Training (B.Voc)